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Guide to Keeping Your Viewers Engaged for Longer with Online Video
March 1, 2013
Online video and how to keep your viewers engaged for longer
Online video marketing provides businesses with a powerful new way of bringing their product to new audiences. When you put your video online, however, you’re putting yourself in competition with many other demands on your viewers’ attention. As a result, the conventional wisdom about video production is that you need to keep your video nice and short. The most commonly quoted ideal length is a minute or less.
The numbers definitely back up this idea; studies have shown that viewers are far less likely to turn off a 30-second video than they are to turn off a video between one and two minutes in length. The lesson seems simple: keep your video short.
This is all very well, but what if the subject you need to cover in your video takes longer than one minute to explain? After all, a minute isn’t very long, and complex subjects necessarily have complex explanations. A sixty-second explanation of a two-minute subject isn’t going to turn viewers into customers; it’s going to leave them confused and dissatisfied. In video production as in everything else, content is king — and as a result, you’re occasionally going to have to create a longer video.
So how do you keep the attention of fickle viewers throughout a longer video? Nothing is certain, but there are a few tips you can use to encourage your potential customers to stick around for the conclusion.
First and most importantly, don’t make your video any longer than it needs to be. Viewers are willing to be patient if they see that a long video is long because it contains lots of important information. They won’t wait for a video that seems long because the script isn’t tightly constructed or because unnecessary details are being included.
Creating an element of suspense is another important factor in keeping the attention of viewers. Begin your video with a question that you intend to answer, enticing the audience to follow along with you as you explain the process.
Beginning with a question or promise doesn’t mean that you should conceal the point of your presentation. In journalism, leaving critical information out of the introduction to a story is known as “burying the lede”. In video production, it’s just as serious a mistake. Unless viewers understand the content and importance of what they’re about to see, they won’t stick around for the finale.
If you’d like an online video production with a great story that will keep your viewers engaged and will persuade them to buy then contact us. We are your friendly experts in video production – call us on 01527 910050
3 Wrong Assumptions that SMEs Make About Video
February 28, 2013
Don’t dismiss just how effective a video can be for a small business
Small businesses are great. That’s a fact. They account for around 98% of the income that the UK generates. However it’s easy for small business owners and entrepreneurs like you to forget just how important you are. When you’re up against it and worrying about sales / marketing/ deliveries / customers / IT / manufacturing / cash-flow (you know what I mean) you don’t always appreciate what a beautiful thing your small business actually is.
But let’s just think about what you do. You offer a personal service, you have a handle on quality, you’re friendly, genuine and you care about what you do. And above all you have a great product or service. These are just a few things that make you stand out against the faceless corporations and how you can use video effectively to skyrocket your business.
Here are a few common misconceptions about video made by small business owners
1. “No-one wants to see a video on my website”
If you think this then consider this research by Forbes: “Website visitors are 85% more likely to buy a product or service if accompanied by a video”. Note the research does not mention the size of the business. If you have a video on your website (and it’s a good one) then you’ll get more sales. Period.
In the same way that people stay in boutique hotels there is a huge market out there for people who want all the great benefits that a small business can offer.
2. “I will not come across well in front of a camera”
Many people are turning away from overly corporate videos. Staged and stilted videos can be a big turn-off. People instead are turning to videos where they get to see the personality of the business via an animated explainer video or the actual owner talking to their audience.
People want to see with whom they’re dealing with and the passion they have for what they do. This is what you can bring to your video. And the great news is that it really works.
3. “I can’t afford a video”
Video is more affordable than ever before. Making a video for your website can be a very simple and easy process. Think about your unique selling points and any possible objections your prospects may have. Address these and provide a solution to your customer’s problems.
This may be in the form of you talking to camera or a simple animation. Whichever way you’ll find that you’ll boost sales and get a huge return on your investment.
If you’d like to chat about any aspect of video production and how it can help your business then we’d love to talk to you. We can make your business soar with a video that will boost sales. We’ve helped lots of SMEs and start-ups like you succeed – call you friendly experts today on 01527 910050.
Online Video Marketing Essentials
What you need to know about online video marketing
As more and more homes acquire broadband internet connections, online video marketing becomes more and more desirable. Potential customers who might once not have waited to download a video can now access it in seconds. With this in mind, it’s worth looking at what video marketing can do for you and your business.
As a marketing tool, video provides great opportunities to show your product or service in action. Customers can learn how to use your product. Above all, you can sell not only your company but yourself directly to potential customers. Viewers are much more likely to share videos than they are to pass on text articles or blog posts, making videos a great way to get your message in front of as many potential customers as possible.
Short is beautiful
Marketing video production can be as elaborate as you want to make it, but a memorable online video can be created relatively simply as long as you remember a few fundamentals. The first and most important component of a marketing video is the script. You need to keep your presentation short and focused on your key point. If you have a lot of information to convey, it may be better to present multiple short videos rather than a single long one.
While creating your script, think about how your narration is going to complement the images your viewers will be seeing in the video. If you have a software or web-based product to sell, you may want to use screenshare to create your video, capturing the image on your computer monitor for your viewers to see. Alternatively, computer animation or slides can help convey information simply. Live video is the perfect way to demonstrate physical processes such as product assembly, but live video production needs additional factors such as proper lighting.
Don’t scrimp on the sound
Narration offers a perfect opportunity to sell your product in your own voice, but you may also decide to use a professional voice actor for the role. In either case, proper microphone and recording equipment are vital to ensure that your narration describes your product clearly and holds the attention of potential customers.
Whether you’re using a professional video production firm or going the DIY route, choosing the right elements for your online video can add a powerful tool to your marketing efforts.
If you’d like to boost your sales and web traffic with an online video then we’d love to speak to you. Call your friendly experts today on 01527 910050.
Why your Explainer Video Needs to be Short
Why your explainer video needs to be short
An explainer video is a great way to communicate your company or product to customers or potential customers. Reading a product description is all very well, but there’s nothing like having something explained and having the chance to see it in action to make it come alive for the viewer. Not all videos are created equal, however; the successful video has to be lively, engaging and above all short. Even if you know that your video needs to be brief, you may be surprised to learn the reasons.
A recent study published by researchers from the University of Massachusetts found that viewers were highly intolerant of long load times or buffering. Users were likely to abandon a video in as little as two seconds if it began buffering. After all, there’s a lot of content on the internet competing for people’s attention. If you want to catch it, you can’t afford to let them get distracted.
Buffering and load times, of course, are a consequence of file size, so one important way to cut down on them is to keep file sizes small, which means keeping your explainer video short. Although this is an important reason to keep your video slim – and to have a dependable host for it – it’s far from the only one.
The explainer video is a close cousin to the infamous “elevator pitch”, in which a businessperson tries to explain what his or her company does in the length of time it takes a lift to reach its destination. The short length of this pitch is crucial to its success.
Your video doesn’t have to be quite so brief, but it’s best to keep things short. Studies have shown that the average amount of a video a viewer is willing to watch decreases as the video lengthens – essentially, the longer the video, the less likely an average viewer is to watch all the way to the end. Given that the call to action is likely to be at the end of the video, someone switching off in boredom or frustration is every bit as bad as someone who never watched the video at all. Thirty seconds to one minute – the length of a television commercial or film trailer – is a good target; attention drops off significantly after the first minute.
If you’d like an explainer video production that’s perfect for your business then speak to us. We can help you drive sales and conversions today. Talk to your friendly experts today on 01527 910050.
10 Tips when Choosing a Video Company
February 24, 2013
10 Essential things to look for when hiring a video company
Choosing the right video company can be a real headache. How do you spot the good from the bad? How do you make sure that your investment will deliver a return and you won’t make an expensive mistake?
Fortunately there are a number for things to look for when choosing a video production company and we’ve put these in the easy to follow guide below!
1. Find an expert
There are loads of video production companies out there. They come in lots of different forms, from the independent guys working from their backroom through to large TV production outfits. They all have their merits and of course will range in price and experience. However, it’s pretty safe to assume that the more experience a video company has in a particular field the more likely that you’ll get a good result.
So it’s worth having a look round to find someone that you’re comfortable with and who has experience in your sector.
2. Check out their samples and customer references
The track record of a video company is very important. It will often be the case that a more experienced video company will have better quality samples and a wide range of positive customer comments from brands that you’ve heard of. Don’t be afraid to ask to see these and even speak to past customers to double check.
3. Provide a video brief
A video production brief is a short document that outlines what you want to get out of the video. Usually a one-page doc is more than sufficient. Identify things like the style, content, audience and budget. If you’d like more guidance of how to write a video brief then you can see our blog article on how to do this.
4. Itemised quote
Any video company worth their salt will provide you with a detailed and itemised quote. This should include everything from the filming and editing through to the voice over, animation and script writing. Beware of companies that just give you a figure with no detail. It’s important that you see what you’re getting and that the quote is fixed against the spec.
5. Who’s producing the video?
If you’ve seen some samples that you like then it’s worth checking that the same production team who made the sample are working on your video. Many video companies use freelancers to produce videos so sometimes you may find that the video you wanted does not turn out as expected. So check this and get it confirmed from the start.
6. Planning
Be wary if any video company just wants to turn up and start shooting without any prior planning. We have seen a couple of instances when the video company says they’ll just film loads of stuff then decide how to use it later. A good video production company will plan all elements of the filming process upfront.
7. Scripting and storyboards
The script or storyboards will form the blueprint for the video. This should detail the narration, any interviews, locations and shots. Usually the video company will get sign off of the script before filming. In some instances scripts can be changed after the filming or as the video evolves, however charges will usually be levied if the voice over needs to be changed after it’s been recorded. So it’s best to be 100% sure you’re happy with the script or storyboards before the voice over and shooting is completed.
8. Agree the change requests
Some video companies will charge extra for re-edits of a video following feedback. This can become an expensive process if this is not agreed upfront. A good video company will be flexible and work with you to make sure that any feedback is incorporated in the video.
9. Copyright Ownership
Check on who owns the copyright of the video once it’s completed. Usually the video company will hold copyright until payment is made. Following this it’s usual for the video production company to pass copyright to the client so you can distribute it as you wish.
10. Set a Deadline
If you have a specific deadline then ask for a production schedule and guaranteed completion date. Some smaller video companies don’t have the capacity to work on a number of projects and if additional work comes in you don’t want your video slipping down the priority list. So ask for a guarantee from the start.
If you’d like any help on choosing a video company then we’d love to help. We offer free advice and can advise on the process. We’ve been producing videos for over 25 years and are trusted by start-ups and SMEs through to major brands. Call your friendly experts today on 01527 910050.
How to Write a Video Production Brief
Guide to how to write a video production brief
Getting a video production can sometimes seem like a daunting task. There are loads of video production companies and they all say that they can deliver what you want. However, how do you make sure that you have an easy to understand video production brief that will outline what your goals and aims are?
The best way is to write your own video production brief and it’s easier than you think. Just follow our tips below and you’ll be able to create a document that you can supply to your chosen video production companies.
1. Define the purpose of your video
Think about what the video is going to be used for. Is it a health and safety video that you want to use for staff induction or is it an explainer video for your website? Whatever the need make sure that this is clear in your brief.
2. Target Audience
Who are the target audience for your video. For example, if they are visitors to your website that you want to convert into sales then you’ll probably need a short explainer video as Internet viewers are impatient! This would be different to an audience who are going through a safety training induction. By defining the target audience the production company will be able to put together a suitable proposal.
3. Distribution
Where will the finished video be shown. Will it be online on your website, on TV, used on DVD in training sessions or embedded in an e-learning platform. Include how you want the video to be used in the brief.
4. Script
Think about the main messages that you want to convey. If it’s a sales video then think about the objections that you want to overcome for your customers. If it’s a training video then consider the learning outcomes that you want to achieve. A good video production company will be able to help you define these messages.
5. Voice over, interviews
Lot’s of videos use voice over to tell the story. Often this is combined with interviews that provide social proof. If you have any preference then include this in the brief. Again, a good video production company will be able to guide you through what will work best.
6. Style
Often, it’s a great idea to include links to videos that you’ve seen and like (or don’t like) to help the production company visualise what you’re looking for. You may want a video that is all live action, or you may want an animated video – again state your preferences and ask for recommendations
7. Budget
Letting a production company know the budget from the get-go is a good idea. There are lots of ways to approach getting a video produced and these all vary in costs. By letting the production company know the budget you’ll ensure that you receive quotes that meet your financial needs.
8. Deadline
Be clear about your deadline. State when the video will be shown and the date you want to receive it.
If you’d like any help with writing a video production brief or ideas on how to produce a video then we’d love to help. We’re an affordable and trusted video production company that produce videos that get results. Give us a call on 01527 910050 today.