10 Tips when Choosing a Video Company

10 Essential things to look for when hiring a video company

Choosing the right video company can be a real headache. How do you spot the good from the bad? How do you make sure that your investment will deliver a return and you won’t make an expensive mistake?

Fortunately there are a number for things to look for when choosing a video production company and we’ve put these in the easy to follow guide below!

1. Find an expert

There are loads of video production companies out there. They come in lots of different forms, from the independent guys working from their backroom through to large TV production outfits. They all have their merits and of course will range in price and experience. However, it’s pretty safe to assume that the more experience a video company has in a particular field the more likely that you’ll get a good result.

So it’s worth having a look round to find someone that you’re comfortable with and who has experience in your sector.

2. Check out their samples and customer references

The track record of a video company is very important. It will often be the case that a more experienced video company will have better quality samples and a wide range of positive customer comments from brands that you’ve heard of. Don’t be afraid to ask to see these and even speak to past customers to double check.

3. Provide a video brief

A video production brief is a short document that outlines what you want to get out of the video. Usually a one-page doc is more than sufficient. Identify things like the style, content, audience and budget. If you’d like more guidance of how to write a video brief then you can see our blog article on how to do this.

4. Itemised quote

Any video company worth their salt will provide you with a detailed and itemised quote. This should include everything from the filming and editing through to the voice over, animation and script writing. Beware of companies that just give you a figure with no detail. It’s important that you see what you’re getting and that the quote is fixed against the spec.

5. Who’s producing the video?

If you’ve seen some samples that you like then it’s worth checking that the same production team who made the sample are working on your video. Many video companies use freelancers to produce videos so sometimes you may find that the video you wanted does not turn out as expected. So check this and get it confirmed from the start.

6. Planning

Be wary if any video company just wants to turn up and start shooting without any prior planning. We have seen a couple of instances when the video company says they’ll just film loads of stuff then decide how to use it later. A good video production company will plan all elements of the filming process upfront.

7. Scripting and storyboards

The script or storyboards will form the blueprint for the video. This should detail the narration, any interviews, locations and shots. Usually the video company will get sign off of the script before filming. In some instances scripts can be changed after the filming or as the video evolves, however charges will usually be levied if the voice over needs to be changed after it’s been recorded. So it’s best to be 100% sure you’re happy with the script or storyboards before the voice over and shooting is completed.

8. Agree the change requests

Some video companies will charge extra for re-edits of a video following feedback. This can become an expensive process if this is not agreed upfront. A good video company will be flexible and work with you to make sure that any feedback is incorporated in the video.

9. Copyright Ownership

Check on who owns the copyright of the video once it’s completed. Usually the video company will hold copyright until payment is made. Following this it’s usual for the video production company to pass copyright to the client so you can distribute it as you wish.

10. Set a Deadline

If you have a specific deadline then ask for a production schedule and guaranteed completion date. Some smaller video companies don’t have the capacity to work on a number of projects and if additional work comes in you don’t want your video slipping down the priority list. So ask for a guarantee from the start.

If you’d like any help on choosing a video company then we’d love to help. We offer free advice and can advise on the process. We’ve been producing videos for over 25 years and are trusted by start-ups and SMEs through to major brands. Call your friendly experts today on 01527 910050.