7 Ways to Boost Business with a Web Video

Boost business revenue with a Web Video

More and more businesses are investing their marketing spend into web video production. This is no longer the domain of ‘big business’ – now, more than ever start-ups and SMEs have switched onto the power of online video.

If you’re thinking of getting a web video or explainer video production then make sure you read our essential FREE guide first.

First the amazing statistics

Websites that have explainer videos are 55% more likely to rank on the front page of a Google search.

Start-ups and SMEs that use explainer videos on their websites receive over 32% more clicks, 20% more calls and (critically) 25% more sales.

A person is 85% more likely to buy a product or service online if it has an accompanying video.

So, basically an online video will improve your SEO and get you more sales. Period. But before you rush out and become the ‘Steven Spielberg’ of your business here are some essential things to consider.

1. Planning is everything

It’s all in the planning. The most common mistake that we see is that businesses jump right into making a video without any planning. This can result in unprofessional or sloppy videos that can alienate an audience instead or engaging them. Every single video you produce should be thought through and considered as part of an overall strategy.

You should define what the aims and goals of your video is and how you are going to distribute the content. Decide on the type of video you’re going to make, for example do you need an explainer video, instructional video or demo video.

Map everything out from the start. This will help to make your video a success.

2. Know your audience

Lot’s of business owners are too close to their business. We’ve all heard the saying “can’t see the woods for the trees” and this can be very true when it comes to actually knowing what your customers want. It’s really important that you put yourself in your customer’s shoes and think like them.

Just remember that your customers only want to know one thing – “What can you do for me today?”

If you don’t answer this question with your website video in the first few seconds then your viewers will switch off. Think along the lines of telling a story and how your customer reacts to your messages. Tell them what you can do for them and how it will positively affect their lives and solve their problems.

Here is a great checklist:

Present a problem

Present a solution
Explain how the solution works
Summarise and call to action

If you stick to this formula then you will always have a good structure. This approach also helps give you a framework for the script.

3. Quality counts

The web is an unforgiving place and videos get shared – this is great if your video is good, but not so good if the video is bad! So think quality – your video represents your business and should positively impact it in terms of message and the overall quality of the production or animation.

Invest in a good quality video camera with HD capability

Buy a tripod – there is nothing worse than shaky, amateurish footage
Remember the importance of sound. Good microphones are worth the investment
Consider investing in some good quality editing software
Plan, plan, plan

4. Don’t give it all away – leave them want more info

Videos that are crammed with stats and detail turn viewers off. Get your main proposition over in the first 30 seconds and keep the video to a maximum of 90 seconds. The longer the video – the more viewers will switch off.

This is not saying that you can’t make a longer video, but be sure that the audience wants the info. For example, if you are showing someone ‘how to decorate a room’ then you’ll probably need more time. BUT, keep it concise and short.

You want them to contact you so leave them wanting more.

5. Boring is not allowed

Talking heads tend to turn people off. You need to be engaging and interesting. Explainer videos that use animation are a great tool for businesses. They tend to include subtle humour and be no more than 90s. A bit of creativity often works and can make a real difference.

Think about using animation

Connect with your viewers on an emotional level
Think about what you can do for your customers
Plan your story
Pick a thumbnail image that compels the viewer to click

6. Check out your statistics

The great thing about online videos is that you can check the viewing statistics using your analytics. This will allow you judge the success of the video, engagement and if it’s been shared.

7. Don’t forget your call to action

It sounds too simple, but your audience wants you to tell them what to do. They want a clear call to action. In addition to contact details you can now include clickable links on a video that allows you to direct your audience to an action.

Online video is here to stay and the best way to boost your business. We help lots of businesses like you achieve huge success online with marketing and explainer videos. We have lots of FREE guides that you can use to help you create a killer video.

If you’d like to get a video produced then we’d love to help, we’re based near Birmingham and work all over the UK… please feel free to call your friendly experts today on 01527 910050


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