Category Archives: Professional Services

How Much Should I Invest in a Marketing Video?

Making a smart investment in a marketing video.

The internet brought a rapid pace of change to the world of marketing, and nowhere has that been more apparent than in a marketing video. With broadband connections in more and more homes, more and more people are watching online video than ever before, giving companies a powerful new tool with which to reach customers. In addition, low hosting prices and the ever-decreasing cost of digital video cameras mean that these methods are within the reach of even small businesses or one-person operations.

Even so, creating a marketing video to present your product or idea to customers is an investment. Even if you shoot the cheapest video you can, using a smartphone camera and hosting the video on a free site, the video represents an investment of your time and effort. A more professional video, with superior production, expensive sets and paid hosting, can be a significant outlay.

The question for the prospective explainer video creator, then, is how much investment in video marketing is justified. When deciding what resources to commit to video production, there are several factors to consider.

The first and most obvious question is whether the marketing video will create a financial return on investment. If the video contains a direct call to action, it may be possible to track its effectiveness in terms of how many viewers are converted to customers. If the video exists more to raise brand awareness or create social-media connections than to achieve conversions, its direct financial impact can be much harder to measure.

Measuring the overall benefit of a marketing video therefore involves both objective factors such as sales and subjective factors such as brand goodwill. It’s still possible to measure the impact of a video, however. Comparing performance before and after the video’s release can be helpful, although other factors may enter the equation. One way to reduce some of the uncertainty in this process is to make sure to set a measurable goal before beginning the project. Maybe your goal is simply to direct viewers to your website; alternatively, perhaps you want viewers to sign up for your newsletter, like your product on Facebook or complete a survey. Whatever your goal, set it in advance and decide how you’re going to measure the results.

In order to determine your marketing video’s potential return, you’ll need to assign your outcomes a financial value. For sales, this is obviously the actual profit generated by the sale; for other outcomes it’ll be necessary to estimate. It’s important to be cautious about this estimate – it’s easy to be too optimistic when valuing intangibles, and many people find it hard to resist the temptation to make the calculation align with what they want to do already. Be conservative in your estimates.

Another factor in the calculation is the video’s lifespan. Although videos can remain online indefinitely, their effectiveness declines over time. You can extend the shelf life of a video by avoiding time-sensitive elements, but this can also reduce its promotional effectiveness. When considering video production, therefore, consider the video not as a stand-alone product but as the first element in an ongoing online video marketing strategy.

Lastly, consider potential audience factors. Online video can reach a wide range of potential customers, but this makes it well-suited to reaching certain types of markets. Local businesses such as brick-and-mortar retail establishments or similar enterprises will need to target their marketing more specifically than an online business which can benefit from reaching a geographically diverse audience.

Estimating the potential return – and possible ongoing costs – of an online marketing video can give you an idea of how much you want to invest in the production. The greater the potential financial return, and the longer the potential life of the video, the higher the level of investment you can justify.

If you’re considering a marketing video then speak to us. We can help you create a powerful and persuasive video that will boost your sales. What’s more, we guarantee it! Contact us today on 01527 910050

Why Corporate Videos Work

How a corporate video can change your business.

In the course of our daily lives, we’re exposed to a lot of corporate communication. Being subjected to so much PR makes us media-savvy – or at least we like to think it does – and it runs the risk of making us cynical. With such a jaded audience, you’d think that a corporate video would be immediately dismissed as just another polished shill. And yet, corporate video is one of the most effective ways for companies to communicate their messages. What makes them such an effective tool?

The key to a successful company video – and the reason that video in general is such a potent way to build a brand – is good storytelling. People organise their thoughts and communicate their emotions by telling stories. We experience the world through stories, and our relationship with corporations is no different. When it comes to building a corporate reputation, you must never forget: people care about your product, but when it comes to your company they want a good story with compelling characters.

Corporate video has to communicate a small number of key points about a company. Some of these are uniquely suited to the video format. A video has to communicate the company’s values, the core principles that underlie its identity. Customers love to feel that they share the values of the companies that are important in their lives. The perception of these shared ideals turns a body of consumers into a community; supporting the company means supporting a set of values that the customer believes in.

Corporate identity becomes corporate story when a company uses video to communicate its history to potential customers. This point has to be handled with care; no one is interested in hearing that Amalgamated Rock and Gravel was formed in 1974 when United Rock and Gravel acquired debt-stricken Pioneer Aggregates. Small businesses, however, have a great advantage here. Every small business is an expression of an individual’s creativity, and every small business has had to overcome obstacles to get where it is. Explaining the company’s product in narrative terms draws the viewer in, making him or her a participant in the corporate story. Buying the company’s product gives viewers the chance to play a role in the realisation of the founder’s dream.

One aspect of the corporate story that corporate videos are particularly good at conveying is the personality of the company’s founders or leaders. A company can have a brand identity, but it can’t have a personality, and it’s personalities that customers relate to. An online video allows the company’s founder to explain the corporate story in his own words or showcase aspects of her personality that extend outside the usual corporate image.

Good production is important in this kind of story video, but good production doesn’t necessarily mean polish. A good corporate video should convey the company’s distinctive principles and personality; this extends to the style and feel of the video in addition to the narrative the video conveys. Slightly rough production can actually be more effective than very slick production as long as it conveys the authentic character of the company.

Corporate stories are like the stories we tell about ourselves – they represent our aspirations, our ideal selves. Sharing your story in the form of a company video helps bring others into that story, making them part of your dream.

If you’d like to produce a corporate video then speak to us. We’re experts in video production and would love to help you. Contact us on 01527 910050.

Ditch the fear – start your video production now!

Get ahead with video production that works

One of the nice things about video marketing is that it’s easy to see it working in the world around us. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably spent some spare minutes enjoying a viral marketing video or two. You can probably see the ways in which your business could benefit from online video marketing. So why haven’t you started yet?

That isn’t really a fair question; getting started in the world of video production can be daunting. The second video you make will benefit immeasurably from your experience. It’s just that you have to do the first one first.

To many people, jumping in and doing the first website video can be intimidating. We read blog posts, dissect other people’s videos and go over dozens of tutorials, half of which contradict each other. But even though these sources can be useful, there’s no substitute for trying it yourself. Spending some time working on your own video will help you develop a sense for what works and what doesn’t, what challenges are likely to arise, and which tasks you naturally excel at.

Don’t kid yourself, though: your first video is going to be dismal. You can still benefit from it in several ways. As a learning experience, it will help you improve future productions. Additionally, the world of online video production can be very forgiving. A good idea and a sincere delivery are more important than polished presentation. If you think of your favourite online videos, you’ll find that the things you remember are passion and creativity, not lighting and editing. It’s not that these things are unimportant – they make your video easier to understand – but your audience will accept that your production skills will be improving over time.

The same applies to equipment and technical skill. You don’t need to start out with an expensive camera or pricey editing software. Once you’ve identified areas you need to work on you’ll have a clearer picture of what type of equipment you’ll need.

Thinking of your first video as a way to learn about video production may mean that you feel like you should keep it to yourself and make your second video before putting anything online. Resist this temptation. One of the best ways to judge how your video production is coming along is to see how your videos perform in the wild. Analysing viewing traffic and soliciting comments from viewers can help you understand what aspects of your video viewers engage with.

If you have absolutely no idea where to begin with video production, you don’t have to do it alone. There’s nothing wrong with getting some input from an experienced adviser. This can be as simple as consulting with a friend or colleague; alternatively, some professional advice can be helpful. If you have a strong idea but need help implementing it, an outsider’s perspective can be very helpful.

It’s perfectly understandable to feel intimidated by the prospect of getting started with your first video. Even if you have a burning desire to create, it isn’t always easy to know where to start. But, as with so many things, the secret to overcoming your fear is to get started. Your first video might be a little rough, but the experience will be enjoyable and you’ll learn a lot from it. Making mistakes can be frustrating, but the alternative is making nothing.

If you’d like any help with video production then you can speak to us. We’ll gladly advise on what you need to do to make a successful video – after all, we’re a successful video production companyContact you friendly experts today on 01527 910050.

Live Action Explainer Video Costs

Risk free media with our satisfaction guarantee

Get the most from a live action explainer video for your website

An explainer video is a potent and versatile tool for communicating with customers. For many companies, low costs are one of the features that make video marketing so attractive. Using a simple microphone and a screencast or animated presentation, a small business can create a video that has a major impact.

To get maximum effectiveness from a website video, however, a business needs to take the next step and move to live production. A live action explainer video is much more versatile, allowing the company to showcase products that don’t appear easily on screen, demonstrate features in use, interview experts and incorporate a whole range of new visual elements.

However, live video can also be much more expensive than computer-generated video. Before beginning a live production, it’s important to create a budget estimate. A professional production company can do this for you, but it’s still worthwhile to understand what goes into the budget.

Technical aspects of production are among the most obvious sources of expenditure when creating a live explainer video. Lighting, camera work and sound recording are vital to produce a compelling video. A clear, good-looking video is the product of proper lighting and recording equipment. This can be an expensive investment if you want to purchase it; alternatively, it can be hired for the purpose.

Scriptwriting and direction are more intangible assets, but still an important part of the production process. You may want to write your own script in order to capitalise on your superior knowledge of your own product. Still, an experienced screenwriter can help the script to flow more efficiently. Professional direction is the key to a well-paced, engaging video.

Locations and sets are another budget item, and one that some videos feel they can do without. If you want your video to show off your offices or a production facility, you can shoot on location. Otherwise, you may want to use a professionally-designed set. It’s possible to repurpose a home or office environment to serve as a set for a video, but it’s a time-consuming process which can wind up costing as much in lost time and effort as using a prepared set.

The last major expense in any professional explainer video production is acting. Again, you may want to perform in your own video – for many entrepreneurs, their own personality is part of their marketing strategy – but a professional with video experience will make the shoot go much more smoothly and efficiently.

The cost of professional video production comes from a number of elements. Most of these apply whether you opt to have the video done by a professional company or attempt to do it yourself. Either way, combining these elements will produce a clear, memorable enjoyable video that will help you communicate with both current and potential customers.

Whether you’re considering a live action explainer video or one that’s fully animated then we can help. Contact your friendly experts today on 01527 910050

The Most Important Video You Never Had?

How online health and safety videos really work…

In this article we are going to tell you exactly why it is so important to have a health and safety video, before I do that find out how this quiet coffee turned into a near disaster for one of the world’s largest companies….

Nearly 3 years ago today I was given a piece of incredible advice. It changed the way I thought about health and safety forever.

So here I was sat in a world famous coffee shop (my home from home) working on a customer and employee engagement website for a client, probably a client just like you.

The coffee house was empty with the exception of me and 2 members of the service team and you will not believe what happened next…

As I am sat working away the lady behind me is walking around the shop collecting cups, her manager yell’s at her to hurry up.

The next thing I hear is an almighty bang as she hits the floor.

She had slipped, rather painfully by the sounds of it.

I got up to help but the manager had already made it to the crash site, but it became obvious that we had a real problem right away.

The manager was in a panic, sweat already dripping down the side of his glasses and a reddening face betraying his understandable attempts to present a cool exterior.

The problem was that although he had been given health and safety training as part of his induction to work course that was 4 years prior to this day.

Luckily for everyone I was able to give the lady the right health and safety support and it seemed she was pretty much unhurt at this point.


The manager of this coffee shop was becoming a little angry at this point, probably due to the adrenaline and fear of what might have just happened.

He kept repeating phrases such as:

“She could have been really hurt and I would have been helpless”

“The company could be sued for this”

“The coffee shop could be shut down by health and safety”

I managed to calm both of them down and due to the fact that I still visit this coffee shop on a regular basis I can tell you that she not only made a full recovery but is also now the manager.

Ok, so what did I learn that changed the way I think about online health and safety videos from this point on?

Companies of all sizes across the UK recognise the legal and ethical need to have the very best health and safety provisions.

The traditional thinking had always been to take a “train and refresh” approach to health and safety, but the “refresh” does not always happen.

Is there a solution to this risk that is simple and ensures that a refreshed is available 24/7 and that health and safety knowledge throughout the company is universally understood to a much greater level?

Health and Safety videos on your intranet are now recognised by many as the most efficient & cost effective way to deliver your company health and safety framework.

With an online health and safety video employees and colleagues will have instant access and can keep up to date with official information.

In the event of an accident the chances of someone knowing what to do in the scenario of the usual 1st aider being out to lunch are massively improved.

It is also now rumoured that insurance companies take the deployment of health and safety videos for company websites as a rating factor for policy sales.

In this instance let just sum up the 3 key benefits of having a health and safety video on our websites:

1. It protects everyone in the company from colleagues to customers in a more enhance way than modular training alone.

2. It increases employee engagement and in turn productivity and retention.

3. It impresses clients we all know the value of ‘promoting the right culture’.

The overall point of this article is that video a very powerful medium for delivering a message on your website; it is a known fact that people pay more attention to a video.

Every company should have a good mix of videos on their website, but at the least a health and safety video is a great idea.

I am sure we agree on the benefits of an online health and safety video.

If you do not have a health and safety video – contact us today to talk about the services we provide, we would love to hear from you.


How Video Content Can Boost Profits

Why video is the most effective way to get your message over…

Research has shown that people remember only 10% of what they see or read and just 20% of what they hear. Before running screaming out the door, consider this additional fact; 50% of people will remember what they see and heart at the same time. Cue video content and a quick step on the road to better brand retention. But, while a recall rate of one in two is a convincing enough reason to consider video production as a way to boost sales, there are other ways that a video or collection of videos can assist with sales and marketing and ultimately, a healthier bottom line.

A picture is worth a thousand words: Multimedia content is considered a much better catalyst at the crucial point in the buying cycle for the simple reason the viewer can see the benefits for themselves. That’s why some studies suggest retail sites with product videos can increase their sales by as much as 30%.

Seeing is Believing: Video content builds a level of trust and credibility that is hard to attain through text or still images; consumers can build a rapport with the business through this content, instilling a sense of mutual interaction and involvement. One reason for this is that 60% of consumers are thought to prefer video to text based content. That means they stick around longer to actually absorb your marketing about the product.

Using optimised video content is as close to communicating live with someone as possible for many businesses, and this standard of almost personal interaction often results in sales increases and profit boosts.

Number Crunching: Sales are often said to be a numbers game. YouTube logs around 4 billion hits per day. According to Experian Hitwise, Brits spent an additional 100 million hours watching video content online this February compared with last and the number of UK hits to video sites expected to rise to 1.25 billion per month by February 2014. In contrast, sending a team out into the field at a trade show or onto a high street localises the impact that a marketing push can have.

Video content can go viral overnight and be exposed to millions across a much broader area. Still need convincing? The electronic cigarettes brand e-lites made a Gangnam Style video that didn’t mention it’s product, show a cigarette, talk about its product or explain how to use it due to strict anti-tobacco advertising regulations. It counted more than one million views in two weeks and a massive product buzz that would have been hard to generate on a similar scale using other mediums.

Cost Cutting: Video content can also have the effect of cutting operational costs, which effectively boosts the profit of an organisation. Sending sales staff to different locations to demonstrate a product or service might be effective to a point, but the costs incurred via expenses take large chunks out of a budget. A ‘How-To’ clip can have the same promotional effect for nothing more than the cost of outsourcing video production.

It’s Almost as Good as Being There: Adding video content to a company website or a social networking feed also allows for a greater level of interaction with consumers. A ‘clinic’ style video, in which clients send in their queries or problems to be answered by a company expert can ignite an exchange between consumer and company which can prove beneficial in the long run. A company which is approachable, with easily accessible content and easy-to-consume promotional material will always find a higher level of success and profit than a business which is out of touch with their core client base.

If you’re thinking of getting yourself up there by using video content to boost sales then we’d love to help. We’re a trusted video production company based near Birmingham in the West Midlands. Speak to our friendly experts today on 01527 910050 or contact us using our form.


The Top 3 Reasons to Outsource Video Production

How your website video production affects your business

High-quality video production has been proven to boost sales and increase interest in companies or brands of all sizes. Whether a recognisable national brand or an SME, every organisation can benefit from the addition of superb video content to websites, blogs and social media channels. But not every business has the means to constantly churn out broadcast-quality clips at a level that will be considered effective, which is why deciding to outsource video production is a viable and useful option. Here are the top three reasons why outsourcing corporate videos can be beneficial.

1. Budget Constraints

The so-called ‘age of austerity’ has seen most organisations making cut-backs in different areas. In Q3 last year, the Direct Marketing Association reported that direct marketing spend was down 6.2%, below the line spend had fallen by 16.1% and sales promotion spend had dropped 2.9%. With record redundancies and unemployment also taking their toll, austerity measures are very likely to have impacted on in-house video production capabilities.

Budgets now might not be able to facilitate hiring an expert solely to provide high-quality videos for a company, or if an existing video team is already in place, they may find that their work has limitations as a result of financial constraints. Outsourcing for certain video projects can ease the way from a cost perspective while delivering high-quality results for less than the price of taking on extra staff or new equipment.

2. Freeing Up Time

Here’s the scenario: the first batch of videos have been wildly successful and the company wishes to capitalise on this niche by producing more content and distributing it more widely. Unfortunately, the team is so tied up in producing actual web content, mailing lists or other promotional tools that devoting time to video content ends up as a burden no one wants to shoulder. Outsourcing frees up time for employees to go about their given roles without worrying about the extra video content that must be completed out-of-hours. Employing another agency to concentrate on video content also frees up the in-house team to concentrate on what it does best.

3. Perspective

As a manager, outsourcing video production to a production company can actually lead to a deeper understanding of the business and the chance to see things through a fresh pair of eyes. Relaying a message to an audience creatively is one thing, but relaying a message to another team in order for them to communicate the message to an audience using superior tools can force communications teams to look at things differently. This dynamic enables everyone involved to get a new creative view of their own brand, and allows for a greater level of effectiveness in marketing and promotional output.

If you’re looking to commission a video for your business then we’d love to help. We produce a wide range of videos for companies of all sizes. You’ll find us creative friendly and professional. Contact us today on 01527 910050 – we’d be delighted to talk to you.

Video Production, Animation and Web Design that Gets Results

Call stormnet media on 01527 910050

More than your run-of-the-mill video production company

With an extensive collection of happy clients under our belt, including some well-known brand names, we like to think we’re a little bit more than just a top-notch video production company.

The great news is that we don’t work only with big brands. Our clients include many small-to-medium-sized businesses as well.

We’re awfully proud our reputation for broadcast-quality video and film, not to mention exceptional value for money. But did you know we also offer a comprehensive range of digital media services?

Once you work with Stormnet, you’ll understand what makes us different. We don’t just produce films, animations, websites and such; we create results. And more often than not, exceed expectations.

Experts in all areas of video production

And by all areas, we mean everything! From animation, special effects, graphics through to corporate, promotional, health and safety, explainer and website videos, we always produce broadcast-quality videos that consistently wow our clients – and their audiences.

Here are a few of the videos that we produce:

Promo videos
Training videos
Corporate videos
Explainer and website videos
Health & Safety videos
Marketing videos

and much more…

With a stable of thoroughbred design and production talent in our studio, we’re always pushing the boundaries of creativity, quality, value and service. We understand that you’re not just hiring us to make an awesome video, stunning animation or high traffic website – you’re looking for a media partner to help you boost sales and increase productivity – day in, day out.

As a Stormnet customer, expect to enjoy all of these benefits and more besides:

Clear commercial focus – when it comes to fulfilling your business goals, we never take our eye off the ball

Clear, regular communication – geek-speak is banished to the editing room floor. When we’re talking to you it’s plain English all the way

The best value we can offer – whatever your budget, we always offer the same focus and commitment, to give you unbeatable value for money

A range of highly-recommended digital services

In addition to high-performance video productions, many of our clients benefit from our expertise right across their digital operations.

Here’s an overview of our other services, designed to help you achieve your business goals:

Website design
Mobile app development
SEO, social media and conversion rate optimisation

We’re conveniently based near Birmingham in the West Midlands and have video production and digital media facilities in Warwickshire and Worcestershire. We work for clients all over the UK and Europe.

For a friendly, no-obligation chat, call Stormnet Media today on 01527 280 100 or use our contact form – we’re looking forward to hearing from you.


5 Ways a Poor Quality Video can Damage your Business

How to avoid the common video production pitfalls

Explainer videos for websites and online videos are the best way to get your message over quickly and easily. Getting it right can mean a huge uplift in website conversions and sales, but getting it wrong can put people off.

There are a number of ways that we can interpret ‘poor quality’ – this does not just mean the actual quality of the sound and image but other factors that also affect the visitor experience.

Here’s a handy guide to help you avoid the common mistakes with online video production.

1. Poor quality video production

OK, this one is pretty obvious. But you’ll be surprised at how many low quality videos we see that are put online. While most companies would not dream of getting an amateur website quite a few think that an amateur video is acceptable!

If you think that your explainer video is going to be the first impression that someone will have of your business you soon start to realise that ‘first impressions really do count’. So make sure that the video picture is sharp and in focus, the sound is of a good quality and it’s lit well. You can check out our video production guides for specific articles on how to produce a good quality video.

In a nutshell, if there are technical issues with your video production then your audience will notice them and it will detract from your messages.

2. Don’t make your videos too long

One way to lose a viewer is if the video is too long. Research has shown that videos under 90 seconds are most effective, and if someone sees your video is much longer then they’ll probably not watch it.

One of the best ways to make sure that your video is not too long is to firstly plan the key messages you want to get over. For example, a great way to do this is to present a problem, then present a solution (i.e. your product/service), show how it works (this is the explainer bit) and then have a call to action.

Use this format to write a short and concise script. You can then test it out on colleagues and friends. Make sure you time it and if it’s still too long then cut out any bits you don’t need.

3. Make sure you have an obvious call to action

It sounds obvious but we see loads of videos where they just end without a call to action. Studies have shown that viewers actually like being told what to do! This is the same in all sales – people get confused if they are not given clear instructions.

Without this you’ll get reduced conversion rates as viewers will bounce off the site without doing anything. With today’s technology you can incorporate calls-to-action in the video script as well as overlaid on the video itself. Video hosting sites such as ‘Wistia’ allow you to embed ‘clickable’ calls-to-action in the video. This could be a link or an e-mail sign up.

Whatever your call to action make it clear. The results will speak for themselves.

4. Don’t be too pushy for the sale

One of the best thinks about online and explainer videos is that they get over your message in a memorable and remarkable way. As with point 2 above, the format is tried and tested and really works. This means that you don’t have to be too pushy to get the sale. The video is designed to help the viewer come to a logical conclusion that there is only one thing to do… use your product or service.

This means that you don’t have to be too ‘salesy’ in your pitch – which can put some people off. In addition, because these sort of videos are usually humorous then they are often shared which means increased reach.

5. Incorrect placement of your video 

You’ll need to make sure that you have implemented the video in the right place on your website. Often, this is the homepage but it can sometimes be more effective when it’s on a page that’s related directly to the product or service.

By making sure that the video is relevant to the subject matter you’ll decrease bounce rates and up conversions.

Explainer videos and online videos are the ideal way to show viewers your personality. They are great for engagement and building trust in what you do. It’s like having the perfect elevator pitch on your website.

If you’d like to discuss any sort of video production then we’d love to help. We are based near Birmingham in the West Midlands and we’re trusted by organisations all over the UK. Call you friendly experts today on 01527 910050.

The Importance of Training Videos for your Business

How training videos can help your business soar

Lots of companies like you use training videos successfully. Gone are the days when the company training video featured awful actors and sets that looked like something from crossroads. Nowadays, training videos are engaging, compelling and interactive. They can be delivered in a number of ways from DVD and online through to E-learning. And the great news is that they are more affordable than ever!

Let’s look at how they’ve changed and what it means for your business.

Video is flexible

Video offers unrivalled flexibility in the way it can be delivered. It can be used on a DVD that has interactive features, as part of an e-learning platform, as a video file on a PC and online on your website or intranet. These are all very low cost ways to deliver the training to your learners.

Interactive learning

One of the most powerful features of video is the ability to make it interactive. Video can be set up to encourage the learners to interact with the video content. Typically this is when the video is played via a computer. This increases the retention rate of the learner and cements the key learning messages. This is especially useful for health and safety training videos where safety critical information needs to be retained.


Video is highly accessible and can be viewed via lots of different platforms. This includes online via PC or mobile. The beauty of this is that learners can access your training video from almost any location and it allows you to carry out training before people arrive on site.

Engaging media

Video is the most engaging way to deliver training information. Learners are 8 times more likely to retain information that’s delivered via a video. This means that your critical training information is absorbs and implemented. It also means that your training messages are consistent.

Save money

Training videos save significant amounts of money for lots of companies. They save having to hire expensive trainers or tying up company resources. They save on travel time and downtime as well as improving productivity that makes your business more competitive.

If you’re considering commissioning a training video then we’d love to speak to you. We help lots of companies achieve business success with a wide range of training and safety videos. Call us today on 01527 910050