How to Keep Customers Engaged with Video

As the world becomes more visual, technology grows around us faster than we could ever imagine and media being at the instant touch of our finger, we show you why it is important to have the most effective videos on your website.

Instant Credibility

Having more people visit your website via a video has become incredibly important over the last decade, it can increase your conversion rates whilst, in turn, boosting your sales. This is why it is important to get the most out of your website video and how to keep customers engaged and interested in your business with the simplest of things attracting potential viewers at first glance.

Peak Their Interest First

Have you ever heard it when someone talks about a book or a film, “the first chapter/10 minutes didn’t spark my interest” or “didn’t engage me”? Although your video is a different form of media entirely, these words still apply. People often get bored very easily if you don’t offer them something to hang on to in the first few moments of what they’re watching, reading or listening too. This is why it is crucial to be conscious about what message you want to put across in the first 20 seconds of your video. Think about what message you want to put across or what service you are offering and be sure to include these key points at the beginning of your video to ensure people continue to watch in order to get a better grasp of what you are offering them.

Short But Sweet

In a world with such fast technology, it is a wonder how anyone can sit and look at one thing for so long when there are so many other videos and images offered to us. This is why you should keep your video concise and sharp. As well as looking professional, you don’t want to bore your customer and possibly turn their attention away with the dauntingly long video. Studies have shown that people’s attention starts to wander off course after just 60 seconds of watching one video.

Talk To Your Targeted Demographic

Whenever someone is visiting a website, no matter what service or product is being offered to them, they want to feel special. Your targeted customers and viewers are the reason this video will be on your page, so it needs to speak to every one in your demographic in a personal way. Vague and undirected videos can lead to turning people away from your website, never to return. Targeted videos are the key to increasing your success because it is important to resonate with your customers in a way that makes the viewer feel like your product or service is bespoke to fit their needs.

Details Are Key

An eye for detail and placement is key. Where your video is placed on your website and what surrounds it is very important to visitors to your website as a clean, professional and well thought out lay out can impact whether people want to stay on your page or not. It shows that you are thinking about what the potential customer should see first and what the necessary information surrounding the video is. Your video should have a concise description and a carefully chosen thumbnail is order to catch attention.

Remember, it does not matter if what you are offering is of the upmost spectacular quality, if the video on your website does not reflect that, then you will have less and less potential customers attracted to engage with you in the first place. So keep it engaging, short and targeted and you are sure to be onto a winner!

Written By Ian Stainton. Ian is the CEO and Founder of Stormnet Media Ltd, an award winning video production and digital media agency based near Birmingham in the UK. He is trusted by global brands, SMEs and start-ups to help them engage and interact with their customers  – ultimately selling more stuff. You can check him out on Google+